Ligh tLaunch Light 3D Launcher App Download
LightLaunch Light 3D Launcher App Download .Light Launch just blew Mini Desktop launcher out of the water mini desktop launcher is still great, but wow, incredible job! definitely going to pay you a dollar after I write this. would be nice to have a static dock but no worries, this probably doesn’t need one. Maybe having an option to have a page (one of the unlimited ones) to swipe to that has all your un hidden apps arranged by usage frequency. Also have a confirmation prompt for if people accidentally touch ‘Arrange By Name’ that way they don’t accidentally lose the custom order they’ve spent time arranging
This is the launcher I’ve been looking for a lot of time since I began using Android. It’s just a simple app drawer, but scrolled vertically with amazing customization options. The one of very few things lacking is the option of disabling over scroll effect. It’s a shame that this launcher hadn’t gained much popularity and I had to look for it this long, so I would like to propose few things to change that matter: change app icon to something more material and make transparent bars default option. Good luck
Absolutely superb. 20 mb average ram usage, less than 1% battery usage, and only runs while for half the time my phone is on. It works perfectly with Launch Board so you can uninstall apps and search for other, less used apps. Set the page speed to and all the other scrolling settings to the lowest setting and everything can be displayed in a single page.
Hide the apps you rarely use and use Launch Board to launch them. I really cannot recommend this launcher enough. Already bought the premium version even though it’s not at all necessary (it only allows for custom icons). Nothing on store comes close to this launcher.
Great This is what a launcher should be… a launcher and just a launcher. A minor problem, some icons suddenly missing
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