Dial Lock Call Locker apk free Download

Dial Lock Call Locker apk free Download Is the best Android app of the Year 2018 and it has wonderful advantages it can lock your dial pad immediately so that no one can call with your Android phone if you forget your phone somewhere and you want that no one can call from your Android phone then it is the best way to lock your Android phone with dail lock apk.  I hope you like it
dail lock  is actually a call locker app for Android phone it can provide you to codes that work on your Android phone the one code when you dial and your dial pad then Android phone dialler has been locked while the other is working for unlocking the dial pad of Android phone whenever your Android phone is in your hand instead of others then you just dial the unlock code and your phone will be unlocked

Top Featues of dail lock call locker app

There are wonderful features of this app the main feature of this app has that it has only 2 MB space that cannot  hang your Android phone
this app has simple interface it also provide you extra security for your phone now if you found that the top security features in Android phone then you must include the features of this dail lock  call locker Apk
By downloading dail lock app you agree the terms and conditions

and if you forget your phone then there is no tension of your personal data leakage because no one can open your dial pad
it prevent the security risks and give you the secure dial pad that you can use for call
I hope you like this top Android app in Google Play Store
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